Firm News
Workshop on Avoiding and Defending Discrimination Claims
Jan 24, 2011
Workshop on Avoiding and Defending Discrimination Claims
Carolyn K. Wong and Anne T. Horiuchi, with Goodsill’s employment law practice, will present, “An Ounce of Prevention Plus a Pound of Cure: Actions to Take Now to Help Avoid & Defend Against Discrimination and Other Claims,” on Wednesday, January 26, 2011, 9 a.m. – noon, at Hawai’i Employers Council.
The session will cover scenarios encompassing the different phases of the employment relationship, from hiring to termination and beyond, with an interactive discussion about pitfalls and proactive steps to prevent the filing of claims against your business or in support of your defense after a claim has been made. Specific topics include filling vacancies, performance reviews, enforcing policies and investigating violations, and discipline and discharge.
The intended audience is human resource, legal and risk management professionals. The workshop is open to both HEC members and non-members. Cost is $75 for members, $130 for non-members.
For more information or to register for the session contact Vicky Tasaka-Loando at 440-8888. For more information about attorneys Carolyn Wong or Anne Horiuchi, please visit the Attorneys section of this website.