Firm News
Goodsill Contributes to “Aloha for Japan” Fund for Earthquake, Tsunami Relief
Mar 24, 2011
In light of the March 11, 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami that devastated many parts of Japan, Goodsill has made a contribution in the amount of $5,000 to the Japan-America Society of Hawai’i Aloha for Japan fund so that it may, in turn, support the relief efforts provided by the Japanese Red Cross Society.
“Families, friends and clients of ours affected by this tragedy are in our thoughts,” said Gary Slovin, managing partner for Goodsill Anderson Quinn & Stifel.
Individuals within the firm have already begun to make additional contributions, and the firm will be coordinating further donations from employees to the Aloha for Japan fund.
![Goodsill Reception Area](/wp-content/uploads/sites/1404335/2020/10/Goodsill_reception.jpg)