Firm News
Goodsill’s Loui Joins American Intellectual Property Law Association
Mar 1, 2012
(Honolulu, Hawai‘i — March 1, 2012) — Goodsill intellectual property counsel, Martin S. Loui, is now a member of the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) representing the firm on a number of committees.
“Differences in how IP applies varies across industries and types of businesses and innovations, so it is important to keep the IP conversation updated through AIPLA,” said Loui. “This is especially the case in Hawai’i because of our proximity to the Mainland U.S.
Goodsill participates in several committees including patent law, electronic and computer law, trademark internet law, and licensing and management of intellectual property assets.
The AIPLA is a national bar association with more than 17,000 members, who are lawyers in private and corporate practice, government service and academia, who practice patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret and other aspects of intellectual property law.