Digital Estate Planning for Hawai’i Business Owners
In preparing their estate planning plans, most small business owners do a good job thinking about their business’s physical and financial assets and liabilities. But have you thought about how your business will operate in the virtual world? For example, who will...
Can You Control How Your Children Use Their Inheritance?
As you think about how to leave your inheritance to your children, you may find yourself worrying about how they’re going to use it. You would like to have some control over their decisions. This isn’t because you want to be overly controlling, but simply because you...
How Do You Choose A Power Of Attorney?
You have probably heard of a power of attorney (POA) and are wondering how you can choose one. Basically, a power of attorney lets you appoint someone to make decisions regarding your health and finances on your behalf should you lose the capacity to do so by...
Are There Downsides to Leaving Wealth to Your Children?
You may have heard stories of very wealthy individuals deciding not to leave that wealth to their children. From Bill Gates to Jackie Chan, they’ve often decided to give their money away to charities or philanthropic causes. They’ve chosen not to simply give their...
Contesting a Living Trust: Here Is Why It Happens
Creating a living trust can be a painstaking process. Done right, you and your loved one can reap a variety of benefits from your living. However, if you are going to invest your time and effort into drawing up a living trust document, it helps to come to terms with...
Why You Should Consider Multiple Successor Trustees
It’s not uncommon for people with revocable living trusts to name a family member – like their spouse or their oldest child – as their successor trustee. The successor trustee is the person who will take over all the administrative duties for your trust if you become...
Can You Keep Your House Out of Probate Court When You Die?
Many people invest a significant portion of their income and personal wealth into the homes where they live. Real estate in Hawaii is incredibly valuable, and your home could very well be the cornerstone of the legacy you want to pass to your children or other loved...
Who Makes Decisions for You if You’re Incapacitated?
People who have considerable investments or assets want to ensure that those are always as protected as possible. One way that you can do this is to set up the power of attorney designations now. This is your opportunity to decide who will make decisions about your...
If You Disinherit an Heir, Make Sure You Put Your Wishes in Writing
You've made the difficult decision to disinherit one of your heirs. Perhaps you believe that they will simply waste the money because they haven't been responsible in the past, or maybe it's the exact opposite – they've done so well for themselves financially that you...
An Irrevocable Trust Could Protect Your Family Fortune
Do you have future generations in mind when making your estate plans? Then having a simple will is not enough. Hoping the fortune will trickle down the family tree is taking things to chance, which is why you need a solid solution that works. An irrevocable is your...